Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I think I can... I think I can...

So I'm gonna do it. I'm finally gonna hop on the band wagon and train for a 5K race. I texted my sister-in-law Marla yesterday for some info... because I was CONSIDERING starting a jogging routine (how could I not! She is so stinkin' cute and I would LOVE to have her figure) and she hypertexted so much great information with so much passion and excitement that I think it rubbed off on me! She pointed me to an awesome website ( that gives you a schedule for going from Couch potato to 5K in 9 weeks. It takes the pressure off determining my own routine and makes sure I ease myself into exercise. LOVE IT! I've also found a 5K in April just after my birthday which puts the pressure on my to make it happen before I talk myself out of it. I know it sounds like I'm procrastinating, but I'm going to officially start the program next Monday. That will give me a few days to get the appropriate shoes, clothes and determine my jogging routes. Anyway, I'm super excited and am posting that excitement here so you can keep me accountable. I figured it was time to get healthy (as being unhealthy isn't really working out for me like I was hoping it would). Another determining factor was a self-defense class we had in Young Womens. The three steps to SD are 1) Stay Alert, 2) RUN, and 3) Fight... to RUN away. I figure I'm okay at staying alert, but if I have to implement step 2 or 3 then I am going to be in a sorry state. I'll hyperventilate and fall over before getting away and the only thing that will prevent my attacker from reaching me will be him falling down on the ground from laughter.

So next Monday begins week 1 of Couch to 5K! Wahoo! I'll give you a weekly summary of my progress and if you don't see that post, I am giving you license to give me crap about it. Until then you'll be sure to hear me chanting I think I can... I think I can...


Belle of the Blues said...

Woot! Go Debbie! That is awesome. I have found that entering in a race is the best motivator for staying with my running routine. And, (from one of my running books, which you are welcome to borrow) "the only difference between and a jogger and a runner is an entry form." I will run with you anytime. Love you!

Marla B said...

Okay-I am gonna do it too. what day is your race? I will find one too to run here. April 19th? right? send me updates-and i will do the same. k
lova ya!

KatieLarson said...

Good for you Deb! I think I will train with you...long distance. :)

Daisy said...

I'm making a mental note of this post. I think this is great. And I'm hoping to get in some serious shape soon so I'm going to come back to this. This is my note to you to come back and haunt me in a few months if you haven't heard anything . . . :)


Naomi said...

Yayyyyy! You can totally do this. I was in the same position exactly a year ago when I signed up for my half and had really never ran before and completely hated it. Start out slow and steady and before you know it you'll be looking for a 10K to sign up for! Believe it or not, but give it a few weeks, running can be addicting! Go Deb! Go Deb! Go Deb!