Monday, February 15, 2010

C25K Week 1 Review (2/8-2/13)

Thought about exercising

20 min Couch to 5k program
25 min Walking

Don't remember... I should REALLY write this stuff down!

Nada enchilada

20 min Couch to 5k program
30 min walking
20 min shoveling

Moved furniture

So a few notes from the first week. 1) I need to write everything down. I'm not keeping very good track of my movement or my eating. I think keeping a mini journal of my C-2-5K program will help in my success. 2) I need to drink more water and eat healthier. I didn't note water above because I don't think I'm drinking any which really goes back to note 1. 3) I haven't been stretching on my "off" days as I should. I need to make that an intengral part of my program to prevent injury and help build the support around my knee (I had 2 knee surgeries that I've never taken seriously as far as rebuilding strength and support. Wasn't that just supposed to happen without me doing anything?)

Upside of last week is that I managed to get 2 days of running in even with all this crazy snow! A shout out goes to my friend Chantel for getting me to the gym and graciously using some of her guest passes on my behalf. You rock, Chantel!

So my plan this week? Snow is still everywhere and the sidewalks are NOT clear. We can't afford a gym membership right now so that means running outside. The cheaper option is gonna be to get some thermals and hit the road. Maybe I could even find a large parking lot to use as a track. I'll have to figure that one out. My off days will consist of my stretching/strengthening routine. And while I may not be the best eater right now (one thing at a time, right?), I can add water to my routine. My goal is to drink 2 large glasses of water (which are 24 oz each) by dinner time each day. Anything after that will be a bonus!

Quick Goal Review for Week 2
1. 3 days of the C to 5k program
2. Stretch/strengthen on "off" days
3. 48 oz of water every day by dinner time
4. Foot analysis and research propper running shoes


Bicki Smith said...

Debbie, Just a comment about your exercise plan. Running is #3 energy. If your secondary is #3 then probably OK as part of the plan. Think about bounce, jump, dance and a ton of variety. Your energy, is buoyant, random, upward and light. Have a great time and great success. Love, Bicki

KatieLarson said...

I don't know if they are good running shoes but I have heard that Shape ups really work. Just a thought.

Debbie Burns said...

Bicki, I considered my energy before I started and decided to move forward with the program despite my type 1 energy. Being able to share this journey with my friend and my sister-in-law across the country has been VERY rewarding to my type 1 energy. And no worries! I haven't given up on the bouncing and randomness. It's just on hold until we know what is going to happen with Joe's job. I already have a latin dance class in my sights that should be perfect for my 1-ness!

Thanks for the suggestion, Katie. I'll have to look into those!

Naomi said...

I love your Monday! I think about it all the time and it wears me out so it must be some kind of exercise, don't you think?! :)

Keep up the good work. Before you know it you'll be running a 5K and wanting to go farther!

ESN said...

You rock chic! I am so proud of you.

Julie Marie Winans said...

There is a great shoe store in Hickory Ridge Village Center by the Giant called Feet First that is supposed to great for getting you properly fit for shoes. Good Luck and will be routing for you.

Dustin and Kellie said...

Go you! I love it! infact you quiet possibly just inspired me to get off the computer and do something about my ever expanding "muffin top." Your wonderful!