Monday, February 22, 2010

C25K Week 2 Review (2/15-2/20)

Thought about exercising (again)
48+ oz of water

Ummm... nada
48+ oz of water

The nothing is getting a little redundant... starting to worry! Without clean sidewalks this exercising thing looks like its gonna crash and burn before I even get off the ground.
48+ oz of water

20 min C25k program (week 1 version)
13 min walking
Full stretch/strengthen routine
48+ oz of water

20 min Pilates (buns & thighs... boy were they both burning!)
1/2 stretch/strengthen routine
48+ oz of water

Back to nothing... but I did sew a skirt and started an apron!
24 oz of water

So a few notes from week 2. I started a mini journal and that has been awesome for tracking my movements and eating habits. Both of which aren't so good. The water intake has helped and my body can tell when I haven't gotten my 48oz. Weird, I know, but true. I'm even craving healthy food. Well... the body/stomach is craving healthy but my mouth hasn't let go of the goodies and sweets yet. I'm gonna have a "come to ??  your senses" meeting with my mouth over the intake situation. Stretching is still not happening as it should. Mostly I'm just lazy or I forget. The one day I did the routine 2 days in a row I ended up hurting myself. So I'm going to break apart the routine into stretches and strenthen exercises. Stretching absolutely needs to happend after running, so those will be on one day. On the off days I plan on continuing my strengthening routine for knee health. I think this will help. I'm also going to try and add pilates to the days I can't get outside to run. At least I'll be something! (Thanks, Erin, for the reminder that I have these DVDs, lol).

Upside of last week is that I wrote everything down, drank almost all my water, and put myself on a strict sleep regime! Writing down helps me feel accountable and I can see where the holes are in my planning and action. Right now too much is resting on the weather and I need to look for alternate indoor activities that don't need the gym. Wishing I had brought my Plyometrics DVD for a supplement!

So my plan this week? Continue with the water intake. Muy importante! I feel better and so do my lips as I drink, drink, drink. I'm going to re-write my meal plans for healthier choices. While I've been doing really well cooking at home (anyone who knows us knows we used to eat out 5-6 nights a week), I've had too much fun making REALLY unhealthy recipes. Not to mention the quick cookie batches multiple nights each week. All the butter and sugar is definitely catching up to my stomach! Pilates and strengthen routine on off days. And, hopefully, running 3 days this week (on the week 2 schedule even though I'm moving into week 3... this is due to the lack of consistency during the first 2 weeks). The snow is melting, but I hope it's enough to get out on the sidewalks. Both Josser and I need time outdoors!

Quick Goal Review for Week 3
1. 3 days of the C to 5k program (week 2 schedule) w/stretching
2. Pilates & strengthen on "off" days
3. 48 oz of water every day by dinner time (cont'd)
4. Healthier meal choices

* Found out running shoes are going to have to wait. Maybe for my birthday! JOE... HINT HINT, lol.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Sweet Valentines from Sweeter Family

Joe and I received a WONDERFUL surprise for Valentine's Day this year. It was the perfect pick-me-up to a week of being snowed in. Cabin fever is high around the Burns' house, but these sweet valentine cards from the WX Burns family brought with them a breath of fresh air!

He really is my superstar! How did you know, Ashley? Love that it is a game too. That'll keep him busy for awhile. hehe

I am Princess Aunt Debbie whenever Ashley is around. Oops! I should say whenever Princess Ashley is around. One time, as we were planning a trip to California, Princess Ashley told me she was excited for she and I to go stay in the castle, but boys weren't allowed. "But, I need Joe to come with me!" I cried. And I believe she said, "Well... maybe he can come as a servant." I didn't argue with her, lol. Have to love those little girls!

All the handmade cards are perfect for decorating our otherwise naked dining room!
Up close and personal. I LOVE the hand written messages and personal drawings. Thanks, Marla, for doing this little project with the kids. We LOVE them!

Monday, February 15, 2010

C25K Week 1 Review (2/8-2/13)

Thought about exercising

20 min Couch to 5k program
25 min Walking

Don't remember... I should REALLY write this stuff down!

Nada enchilada

20 min Couch to 5k program
30 min walking
20 min shoveling

Moved furniture

So a few notes from the first week. 1) I need to write everything down. I'm not keeping very good track of my movement or my eating. I think keeping a mini journal of my C-2-5K program will help in my success. 2) I need to drink more water and eat healthier. I didn't note water above because I don't think I'm drinking any which really goes back to note 1. 3) I haven't been stretching on my "off" days as I should. I need to make that an intengral part of my program to prevent injury and help build the support around my knee (I had 2 knee surgeries that I've never taken seriously as far as rebuilding strength and support. Wasn't that just supposed to happen without me doing anything?)

Upside of last week is that I managed to get 2 days of running in even with all this crazy snow! A shout out goes to my friend Chantel for getting me to the gym and graciously using some of her guest passes on my behalf. You rock, Chantel!

So my plan this week? Snow is still everywhere and the sidewalks are NOT clear. We can't afford a gym membership right now so that means running outside. The cheaper option is gonna be to get some thermals and hit the road. Maybe I could even find a large parking lot to use as a track. I'll have to figure that one out. My off days will consist of my stretching/strengthening routine. And while I may not be the best eater right now (one thing at a time, right?), I can add water to my routine. My goal is to drink 2 large glasses of water (which are 24 oz each) by dinner time each day. Anything after that will be a bonus!

Quick Goal Review for Week 2
1. 3 days of the C to 5k program
2. Stretch/strengthen on "off" days
3. 48 oz of water every day by dinner time
4. Foot analysis and research propper running shoes

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fresh Bagels!... that look like shrimp **blush**

Ya. I meant to do that. LOL. I tried making fresh bagels today. Decided to stop whining and start untilizing my free time at home (on behalf of all those who wish they were in my shoes right now). So, I found a recipe and BAM!, got-er-done. Not bad for my first time! Lot's of steps, but it was easy. Mostly just hurrying up to wait. Anyway, here they are! (I only made 4... no sense wasting ingredients if my bagel attempt decided to explode in my face).

He said the trickiest part would be connecting the bagel ends and rolling it to look right. He wasn't kidding. I thought I did okay until I put them in the water (yep... you BOIL bagels before you bake them). Then they all broke open into shrimp-looking bagels.

My bagels taking a moment to dry before being transfered to the baking sheet.

And viola! Shrimp bagels! And no worries...

Because they taste AWESOME!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Still More Snow

Yuck! I didn't think I'd get here, but I am way past officially sick of the snow. Maybe it's all the time indoors. Even though I don't usually utilize my option to go outside, at least I HAVE the option. Well... I HAD the option. Now there is no where to go. Wish I had purchased winter gear before the storm. Anyway, I'm bored at home checking facebook and blogger ever few minutes. I've watched movies galore, caught up on all my TV shows and have even started three different anime series to keep me entertained (though I'll admit the dishes still have been done and I am doing as little as possible in the cooking arena).

So I thought I would post. No pictures this time. Maybe tomorrow. I figured you must be getting sick of photo after photo of white stuff. Just take my last snow pictures and add another foot to them. That would be my pictures from today.

Joe tells me Maryland is in a state of emergency. Any unauthorized vehicles on the roads will be ticketed. D.C. is shut down. Our county is shut down. And I need to find something to do. So many options... maybe I'll start with taking another nap.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday

Rather tired of being cramped up at home, we took the Cechini's up on their offer to spend super bowl Sunday with their family. The roads had been relatively cleared by early afternoon and it was nice to be outside and NOT wading through snow. The afternoon/evening was lots of fun. We played outside for a bit in the parental's backyard. Well, the others played and I took pictures (I really am not a fan of being cold and wet. It's funny that I lived for over 15 years in Utah without ever feeling the need to buy winter gear and after only a few months in Maryland I'm wishing for snowpants, gloves, boots and more. Craziness!) The sledding was fun, dinner FANTASTIC, and the Super Bowl awesome. I didn't get sick until it was almost over, so I'm grateful my revolting body (it's wired incorrectly and we're still trying to figure out how to fix it) waited until the last few minutes to shut down. Matt and Annie got us home safe and then I spent the rest of the night sleeping half propped on the couch, trying not to move. (If I don't move, it almost doesn't hurt!)

Here are some snow pics without further ado!

Joe checking out the snow fort. (Love this pic! It's definitely getting framed!)

Steven... creator of said snow fort.

Annie Cechini with her brother Steven and sister Beth.

Beth is SO adorable! Lots of energy and fun to chat with. She and I spent the better part of the afternoon designing the best dress for Annie.

The parentals. Brother & Sister Henderson.

Another view of how much snow really fell on Saturday.

Annie's first sled run. She needed a little push to get started; she's just too light to get the momentum on her own! But it works to her advantage for distance.

I lost him in the snow if he didn't keep his head up! It's a mini-luge down their back hill.

Beth and Annie's run quickly turned into a snow fight.

Another run for Joe.

Steven surfing the hill. It went well until he tried adjusting his hold toward the botton. Too bad I didn't get his epic wipeout!

Beth clearning a path for me in my non-snow friendly attire. This stuff is like quicksand! It all looks packed and walkable, but one false step and you find yourself up to your waist in snow!

I love this one of Joe. He's just so stinkin' handsome! Even wrapped up in all his snow gear. I hope I get to have a little boy that looks just like him someday!

Is it possible? Yep... you CAN high-center a truck with oversized tires and a 6" lift!

So later Saturday night we decided to head over to our friend's house for some chili and fun. (I'm always open for a free, delcious meal, lol!) Our first task was to get our of our parking lot. The snow was deep, but at least it had been plowed once... earlier that day.

The view from our parking stall. The snow is almost to our bumper. (Remember we have a 6" lift and oversized tires!)

The rest of the parking lot. The first car was cleaned off earlier by its owner. The rest are untouched. Snowfalls reached 29 inches in one dump. Notice the snowline almost reaches the top of the car's hood!

Trees were bending under the massive weight. I didn't get a picture, but just down the street one of these fell onto a car. Hope they have insurance!

I know these are difficult to discern, but in the distance there are dark figures walking down the middle of the road. (I know it's because there are no sidewalks, but still is weird.) I love the apocalyptic feeling of Maryland after a snow storm.

What you are looking at here is a snowbank that is keeping us from reaching our destination. The plows had passed the main road leading into the Cechini's subdivision, but they didn't plow their street. The peak of the embankment is higher than our tires! But Joe thinks we can make it. We're pretty sure the snow is lower once we get on the other side (which we later learn is a false assumption). So we decide to opt-in on the 4wheeling adventure...

Our second attempt. We've made a little headway.

Maybe if we just move some of the really high snow and gun it...

And there it is! A big-ol' truck with oversized tires and a 6" lift high centered on the bank! I just had to laugh... and laugh... and LAUGH! One of the snow ploys stopped to watch and giggle at us for awhile too. He didn't get out to help, just wanted to watch.

Eventually Annie and Matt saw us stuck up the road (I wasn't going to call and admit our folly!) and came to help rescue us. Really it left us all in good spirits (so much chuckling).

We eventually freed the truck and created a little parking spot for it before hiking the rest of the way to their house. Chili never tasted so good!!!! We're gonna chalk this one up to creating memories, hehe. I don't think we'll ever forget our Maryland snow day!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snow Day Pictures

So I thought I left all the snow behind me (I was enjoying the 60 degree weather we were having), but that stupid groundhog saw his shadow and BAM! I'm in the middle of a blizzard! I do love feeling snowed-in, however. I cleaned the house and prepared all my food yesterday in anticipation of a power outage, so today has been easy sailing! We played Lego Batman this morning and now are enjoying some computer time upstairs. (Though I need to get off so Joe can finally put my computer back together. It's been murder trying to operate on a machine that isn't my own!) Anyway, here are some pictures of the "backyard." Josser can't even navigate because we have so much snow! (Friends have reported fallen trees on houses and cars! I'm a little nervous of the Pine hanging over our back fence. But so far it has held up all the weight.) Without further ado (even though all my winter pics end up looking the same... maybe next time I'll take some from the front door, lol!)

Joe had to clear off all the ice from our heating unit. It's not made to stand up to all this cold and snow.

Joe's trying to get Josser to come back and play, but he's decided he's too cold and the snow is too deep to make snow time a good time.

Josser taking the kids for a walk...

I spent a warmer day a week or so ago taking Josser for a walk with the Calders. To help Owen recover from a scooter accident, I gave him Josser's leash. He did a great job! I was proud of Josser too for not running away, dragging a screaming kid behind him. The boys loved the stories of Josser marking his territory and pooping in the middle of the road. Boys will be boys! I'm so glad Chantel and her kids put up with me and my little hellion. But what can I say? I LOVE my dog!!!

I tried to get a picture with Soren and Josser, but all Josser wanted to do was turn around and lick Soren! Those two are trouble together, hehe.

Josser walking the kiddos.

The boys laughing at Josser's need to "put up his sign" that, to other dogs, reads: Josser Was Here. He ran out of pee halfway through the walk, but it didn't stop him from trying!

It's so great being outside during the winter months! I love being able to enjoy the sun and some nature. I bet this place will be beautiful come spring! Three cheers for Chantel for dragging me along on her walks! Who knew I'd actually enjoy exercising, hehe. :)