Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fresh Bagels!... that look like shrimp **blush**

Ya. I meant to do that. LOL. I tried making fresh bagels today. Decided to stop whining and start untilizing my free time at home (on behalf of all those who wish they were in my shoes right now). So, I found a recipe and BAM!, got-er-done. Not bad for my first time! Lot's of steps, but it was easy. Mostly just hurrying up to wait. Anyway, here they are! (I only made 4... no sense wasting ingredients if my bagel attempt decided to explode in my face).

He said the trickiest part would be connecting the bagel ends and rolling it to look right. He wasn't kidding. I thought I did okay until I put them in the water (yep... you BOIL bagels before you bake them). Then they all broke open into shrimp-looking bagels.

My bagels taking a moment to dry before being transfered to the baking sheet.

And viola! Shrimp bagels! And no worries...

Because they taste AWESOME!


Sara Crewe said...

YAY!!! :D

Jonathan said...

Wow!! Those are making me hungry!!

KatieLarson said...

Yum! You go girl!

Naomi said...

You are much braver than I. Especially since I've been such a failure in the kitchen lately! LOL. I think they look great and so yummy. You could call them bagel croissants. :)

Darcysmad said...

That is awesome! Way to go Debbs!!

ESN said...

I love shrimp shaped bagles. lol. Honestly who cares how they look when they taste that good. Happy eating!

Dustin and Kellie said...

They look awesome! You are fabulous! I think you should go into business- you could name your store "Shrimp Bagels" and I think it's be a hit!

Erin said...

Wow I am so impressed! They look great!