Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snow Day Pictures

So I thought I left all the snow behind me (I was enjoying the 60 degree weather we were having), but that stupid groundhog saw his shadow and BAM! I'm in the middle of a blizzard! I do love feeling snowed-in, however. I cleaned the house and prepared all my food yesterday in anticipation of a power outage, so today has been easy sailing! We played Lego Batman this morning and now are enjoying some computer time upstairs. (Though I need to get off so Joe can finally put my computer back together. It's been murder trying to operate on a machine that isn't my own!) Anyway, here are some pictures of the "backyard." Josser can't even navigate because we have so much snow! (Friends have reported fallen trees on houses and cars! I'm a little nervous of the Pine hanging over our back fence. But so far it has held up all the weight.) Without further ado (even though all my winter pics end up looking the same... maybe next time I'll take some from the front door, lol!)

Joe had to clear off all the ice from our heating unit. It's not made to stand up to all this cold and snow.

Joe's trying to get Josser to come back and play, but he's decided he's too cold and the snow is too deep to make snow time a good time.

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