Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mama Mia Day 1 (Part 2)

I guess you can only have so many photos in a post and I guess I reached that limit. It seriously wouldn't let me add anymore. So... here is part 2! Hehe.

Nearing the end of our journey, we stopped at a little place for a bite to eat. There was this great tree. Without any prodding from me, Sarah and Charlie decided to play a little game. It was HILARIOUS! I won't bother explaining the situation because I think it's one of those "you'd have to have been there," but I had fun catching them on camera anyway!

Not so fun was Brooklyn's fall. She scrapped up her knees a bit. My sister, bless her heart, was all broken up because it was the first REALLY BAD fall that Brooklyn has taken. I think BS and Suzanne taught Boo well, though. Here she is trying to kiss her own knees better because the hurt so much!

We did a lot of other cool things and have a million more pics. I think I'll add a slide show tomorrow with ALL the pictures for the moms. For this post, I'll close with this cool one of the kids. I was trying to just get their hands as they played with the water stone together. When I checked out the pic at home, I saw there faces reflected in the surface. It's not a perfect pic... not well centered or anything... but I like it.

I had a wonderful day with all my nieces and nephew. It was a mini slice of heaven--not only taking them to the zoo but being able to share in their excitement for life and being able to document our adventure for their moms. I can't wait for tomorrow! You just never know what they'll do next!


KatieLarson said...

Looks like you all had a blast! Was there ever a nap during that day? I feel like I need a nap just listening to your adventures. I think those kids are so cute. And if you want...I still have some more banana bread.

Amy said...

you tool some great pics of those darling little ones. Looks like you guys had so much fun.