Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Glad to Be of Service

Last night I headed over to a friend's house around 11:30pm. She was at the hospital without an estimated time of departure and her babysitter had to head home. Really I was just a body in the home for her sleeping children. I slept most of the time and cuddled with the little ones when they finally woke up this morning until their mommy got home. Nothing crazy or over the top. But as I sat on the couch last night, trying to fall asleep, I was grateful that I didn't have a job. I felt so good knowing I could help out a friend like this. And I was thankful that I didn't have to call a boss to plead my case for arriving late or for taking the day off. No feelings of guilt and no feelings of fear. Instead, my friend needed me and I could be there for her. I know it won't last forever. I know I have to find a full time job (soon) for us to survive. But for one night, it really felt good being able to serve when and where I was needed without excuses. I wish it could be like this always. La sigh. **Moment of silence.** Now that the stay-at-home fantasy has passed, I better go find a job.


Daisy said...

Amen. Amen. Amen. Today has been my first real day of summer vacation. I start a couple summer classes I'm taking Thursday, but it felt so good and so different today to just be home with my family and not feel super stressed. I'm hoping I can figure out how to be "a good stay-at-home" person for the next couple of months so as to balance everything AND be able to serve like you are. Way to go, Deb! And good luck in the job hunt!

Erin said...

So thankful you were able to help! Glad the kids didn't drive you too crazy. Mornings can be rough:) We love you Deb!!

Amy said...

It is really cool that you were able to help out when you were needed... I think we all wish that we could do that and not have anything else to worry about. You go girl... maybe you should put off finding a job for a little bit longer... (: I probably would...(: