Sunday, June 7, 2009

Bon Anniversaire de Mariage

Happy anniversary to us! Joe and I have now been married 8 YEARS! So I just wanted to give a shout out to my honey who is the most amazing man in my life. He is PERFECT for me! I love that when we marry, we marry partners who suit us. Like I totally couldn't be married to my brother (and not just because that is sick and wrong). I love him, but we would butt heads ALL the time. Nope, Joe is the man for me and I feel so blessed that we found each other. I love you babe and look forward to the rest of eternity. (If you can last that long with me, lol).


Josh and Bethany said...

Congratulations! It seems like yesterday that you told me you married. Time sure flies when you're having fun.

Alina said...

Congratulations =]

(Wow, nearly a decade!)

Nic said...

Happy Anniversary! I didn't realize yours was so close to ours. Hope you had a wonderful celebration.