Thursday, November 12, 2009

Just Humor the Crazy Lady

In answer to all the weird looks and ?? I've been getting. Yes! I'm serious about collecting your family photos. We don't have any rugrats to dress up and plaster all over our walls and after 8 years I'm a little tired of looking at Joe and I.

Really, I consider all of you my family and I want to hang pictures of the family I love in my house. If you are wondering if I want a picture of YOU (because you might be thinking she wants everyone else but me), I DO! I want a pic of Y-O-U!

I know, I know... I'm weird. But if you know me (and you do) I always have been! Weird... that is.

P.S. I have a 2nd job interview next Wednesday! Keep your fingers crossed for me!


KatieLarson said...

Crossed good and tight.

Betsy said...

Congrats!! and send me your address so I can get you an awesome family photo!!

Anonymous said...

Hey there! I found your blog again. It's so fun to read/see your adventures back east! Good luck with your job hunt, and my fingers are crossed!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'll send you a family pic(one with the baby)just as soon as I get it from my mom!