Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I don't have many pics of the house yet. I'm still trying to clear the area of boxes and junk. Even though I sold or DI'd a ton of stuff before I left, I'm finding more things to get rid of. The place just isn't big enough for "extra baggage." But here are a few shots of the area around our place. We are tucked away behind the Columbia town center. I like it because we are minutes from the mall, theaters, a billion restaurants, and grocery shopping and yet it feels like we are so secluded. One wonderful thing about Columbia is the city planning. They have walking paths almost everywhere and dogs ARE allowed. On paths and at the parks. So it's been great for Joss and I to get out and do some walking. I'm still working with him on greeting other animals. His method is to bark first and ask questions later. The poor squirrels aren't sure what to make of him! But it is beautiful and I love it! I can't wait to share our little place with any of you who want to venture this far east. I promise you won't fall off the end of the world!


KatieLarson said...

I am glad that there are walking trails around the area for Josser. That should be fantastic. I just thought of a question for you...what are you guys doing about karate? Any leads to a good place?

Michael and Brenda Smith said...

I'm so happy for you two and it looks amazing out there. I can't wait to come and visit...although it may be a little while...we'd still like to come. We miss you tons and think about you all the time.

Michael and Brenda Smith said...

Since I haven't had much access to the internet lately except for at work I hadn't seen all your cool pics from your drive to MD and the game. It looks like a ton of fun and you look so cute and happy. Miss you again!

Darcysmad said...

Wow, it's gorgeous! I have to admit I'm kind of's so exciting exploring a new area. I'm glad you're having fun. We miss you!

Anonymous said...

I knew you would love it there!!! I kinda miss the place actually! And wise choice to live in Columbia, it is one of the nicest areas by far! Sorry I'm a horrible blogger, I'll try to keep in touch.

Erin said...

Oh it is so pretty there! I love the trees! Keep the pics comming! Sorry I haven't been on in a while:) I have been reading the Vampier Acadamey and it is, wiat for it........AWESOME!!!!