Saturday, July 10, 2010

Camp Pics: Getting There!

Every year the stake buses the girls from the stake center in Maryland to Blue Knob state park in Pennsylvania. This is the first year they used school buses (as opposed to the fancy tour buses with AC and bathrooms they girls are accustomed to). I think it worked really well! (Then again, I wasn't on the bus, hehe).

Getting the troops on the buses. 1 to carry all the luggage (and do these girls bring luggage!) and 2 for the young women.

Oh the mayhem!

Paige and Allison. The sweetest level 2s you'll ever meet!

Waiting... and waiting... and waiting to get on the bus.

Aren't they adorable! Savanna and Madeline.

My Genevieve! Camp wouldn't be complete without her. My favorite all week...
Me: Ow! I have a terrible headache! >sniff sniff<
Genevieve: Sister Burns, it's choice and accountability.
Me: Huh?
Genevieve: You chose to stay up until 2am and now you have to be accountable for the consequence.
Me: Can't I AT LEAST get some sympathy?
Genevieve: I love you.

Kendra. So much love in her heart! If more people were as loving and kind as her, the world would be a better place.

Rachel and Kim. I think they were twins seperated at birth.
More pictures from the bus ride up.

Our fearless leaders making sure all girls are accounted for.

One of my bestest friends ever! Meagan took such good care of me while at camp. She protected me from bugs, put up with my whining, and actually sat by my stinky butt during campfire. I LOVE this girl! (And she's hot... but you can see that for yourself!)

The first girls off the bus. Phew! They made it!

Girls celebrating their arrival by meeting up with old friends and new faces.

Laura. Tres belle!

Sara. I LOVED having her in my level for camp! Turns out we need to get together for puzzles and some good old movies!

Level 2 in the house! (Or is it "in the mighty jungle.")

Savanna and Erin.

Beautiful Madeline.

Oh Erin, how I love you!

More YCL goodness! Ashley and Katie.

Beautiful beehives! Taylor and Melannee.

The newest to our ward, Allison. So glad she "defected" to our side, hehe!


Radiant Rachel! She is my little ray of sunshine!

Rarr! Julia and Ashley.

Andrea. Another "transformer." She's more than meets the eye. I also call her my little Audrey Hepburn. She has the same timeless beauty and fashion sense.

I think the girls got sick of my picture taking by the end of day 1. Too bad there were five more days left! Muhahaha!

So huggable!

ROFL! Favorite pic ever!

These two together? I think I pee'd my pance more than once! I know I laughed until I cried!

Waiting for the first flag ceremony.

Melannee, Taylor and Lory. LOVED getting to know these girls up at camp!

Mother-daugther. It's the cycle, right? Neat being able to be the "fly on the wall" for moments like this!

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