Saturday, July 10, 2010

Camp Pics: "Cone of Silence" and Flag Ceremony

Twice a day we gathered at the flag pole for the raising or retiring of the flag. My level 2's were in charge so it was an opportunity for LOTS of pictures. The flag got stuck on more than one occasion and, eventually, we broke the pulley. Go us!

In order to congregate around the flag we first had to walk through what they call the "bridge of silence." It works well for getting the girls quiet and focused on the speaker. I accidentally called it the "cone of silence" (don't ask me why) and it stuck for the rest of the week.

Secret, unexplainable powers descend on all who enter via the Bridge of Silence, rendering all a passerby unable to speak! (Crazy, but true, hehe)

Hi ho, hi ho, around the pole we go!

Sister Shirffy, Genevieve, Marissa, Kaitlyn (whom I discovered as a new friend... seriously... she rocks!), and Sister Teerlink (assistance camp director).

Um... I'm pretty sure you're supposed to point the megaphone at the people. J/K.

I just really like this pic. J.S. was fun and so cute!

LOTS of flag pictures. These were my girls for the week! They were awesome flag people (I believe they are called color guard)!

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