Saturday, March 6, 2010

Coolest Sock Hop EVER!

I wish I had chronicled this night just after it happened (back on February 27th). My mind seems to lose more and more info the older I get. Oh well! Better late than never, I suppose. It really was an awesome evening of live music, dancing, hoola hooping and limbo-ing. Costumes were optional so I was surprised at how many came dressed up! There were tons of poodle skirts and T-Birds walking around, including the little kids. Can I just say that poodle skirts on little toddler girls are ADORABLE!!! Even Joe and I attended in costume. For my skirt I chose a polka dot fabric instead of the traditional felt with poodle. I REALLY like how it turned out, especially considering I didn't use a pattern. Let's just call that one a learning experience! Joe wore his jeans, a white T and a leather jacket and blended right in with most of the guys, hehe. We should have taken a picture with all those guys being so matchy-matchy!

The live music was incredible! It was provided by talent from the ward and while most reminded me of the T-Birds singing cousins, one guy (Brother "C" I'll call him) looked just like a Beattle! Anyway, Joe danced every dance and spun me around the floor. It was a wonderful (even magical evening) that provided great entertainment to adults, youth and kids. Which, actually really surprised me. I'll be honest... when I first heard of the sock hop I was thinking adults only. When I found out the WHOLE family was invited I was a little disappointed thinking it wouldn't be as much fun. I am SO glad the activities committee proved me wrong. I don't think the evening would have been as wonderful without the youth and kids there. I loved watching daddies and daughters dance together and mommies and sons swing around the room. Like I said, a magical wonderful evening.

I didn't get a lot of pictures (should have changed out the batteries before we left!), but here are some I borrowed from friends who were better prepared than I.

The atmosphere in the gym was lively and fun. The activities committee really went above and beyond in creating a memorable evening.

The skirt! No pattern. No instructions. Just trial and error... and believe you me there was a LOT of error! But that's okay; it all worked out in the end and it was fun to try my hand at "free form" sewing.

The Cechinis and us. It was fun helping Annie make her poodle skirt (complete with Snoopy... SO cute!). Hers we did with a pattern. I've learned I'm MUCH better that way.

Upclose with the Cechinis (pronounced Chu-key-nee).

Chantel, Austin and Soren next to Sister McKay (whose coordinating outfit with her husband landed them as Best Dressed Couple... or would have if we had that division).

Chantel with her son Owen. Seriously amazing mom and woman!

This is the most awesomemest YW leader ever, Catherine, with her husband Brian. I am SO blessed to serve as the advisor under her for the Mia Maids. Not only is she wise, but she is a BLAST to be with. So far we've stayed outta trouble, but it's only a matter of time, hehe. We love this couple!!!

I won't mention names here because I don't know how they feel about it, but this is the family responsible for the rockin' awesome evening. Sister "She-who-shall-not-be-named-because-I-don't-know-if-I-can-and-not-because-she's-evil" and her committee put a lot of time and energy into pulling this off. I love that she incorporated EVERY age group so well. Instead of the running/screaming children like I've seen at ward activities in other places, kids were either dancing, participating in the games, or working on a HUGE marshmellow project in the back. Thanks TEAM for a wonderful ward activity!

Some of my beautiful and oh-so-wonderful young women. Altheda and Genevieve are sisters (cool names, huh!), and then is Rachel and far right is Kendra. I'm always amazed how much my heart grows to incorporate the new wonderful people in my life without having to let go of any of the old ones. My first set of young women are just as special to me as they were when I was serving them. I think about them on their birthdays (and almost every day) and, if possible, follow their lives via facebook and blogging. Now I have a new set of girls who fill my life with purpose and fulfillment. Their names have been added to my heart right next to the names of my original group. I hope all the girls I've ever served know how much I love them and that, no matter distance or time, they are always in my thoughts, my heart and my prayers.

This cute little guy belongs to my friend E. He SO wanted his picture taken and I was more than happy to oblige. He and his brothers each dressed up as a different movie character from the 1950s.

The limbo was fun with both an adult and kids division. Gabe can go CRAZY low (like SERIOUSLY low). Actually, there were several adults with limbo abilities I previously thought impossible. My camera konked out here, but the winner was Mitzy (ADORABLE!!!) with skills riviling the mysterious folding people.

I was sad that I didn't snag some pictures of the hoola hoop contest or the swing competition. But it was all good times. Really I'm just excited Joe and I went, that he agreed to dress up (and no... hell hasn't frozen over), and that he danced with me. We're working on making it less than 10 years before he takes me dancing again, lol.

Thanks, Joe, for being a good sport and for making the Sock Hop both memorable and the best ever! Love you babe!


KatieLarson said...

How fun! You did awesome on that skirt. It looked so cute. I am glad that you went and were social at the social. You go girl!

ESN said...

I love the way your hubby looks at you. It's like he is still falling in love with you. How cool is that!
You two looked so cute. So sorry I missed it, but thanks for the pics (of mine especially).

Darcysmad said...

Your skirt was awesome! I loved the colors! I'm so happy to see you having so much fun, even if it is without us girls. We miss you tons Debs!