Wednesday, August 12, 2009

FREE Sale!!!

Yeppers, you heard it... FREE FREE FREE-ninety-nine. I have a whole bunch of stuff I was going to take to the D.I., but some of it is really nice and I figured I'd rather give it to a friend. If you want pics of any of the following, just send me a note [].

- Ice cream maker
- 2 sets of matching dishes...seasonal (unopened... call me for details on the pattern)
- 2 different desks... they are large and heavy. 1 of them is L shaped.
- 1 credenza (matches one of the desks)
- Precious Moments wedding album
- Misc. frames and photo books
- 2 blue men's suits (they are Joe size... well one is skinny Joe size and the other is medium Joe size)
- 1 brown mole skin woman's skirt suit (I think it's size 12)
- 1 red and black woman's pant suit
- 1 "fancy" top and skirt combo... celery green (used once as a bridesmaid... size 12, i think)
- 1 prom type skirt (Erin... I though maybe one of the young women in your ward might like this)
- A couple of Sunday dresses
- 1 pair of men's sketchers (dressier... though not Sunday shoes) size 12

Seriously, I'm pretty much trying to get rid of everything I have. Feel free to stop by and do some window shopping. I am willing to part with almost anything (although I can't give away the bigger pieces for free... but we can make a deal).

Items for Sale
- 8pc Bedroom set $1200 o.b.o
- Anything else you think you might want of mine... make me an offer, hehe


darl_jo said...

Holy Snookers Woman! You know, if i lived closer, i'd be willing to take some of that stuff off your hands. I still haven't furnished my house completely yet LOL.

Good luck.

BTW, why are you getting rid of everything???

Debbie Burns said...

We find out in the next few days whether or not we are going to be moving to Baltimore, MD. I'm trying to be pre-emptive by shedding unwanted (and unused) moving lbs. Most of this stuff I've needed to get rid of for quite some time... this just gives me a reason to finally get it done! hehe

Erin said...

Is the crock pot taken? I could totally use it so I can make the BBQ chicken and Potatoes. Right now I am using the crock for the potatoes but cooking the chicken on the stove and it sucks:) Let me know!

Nic said...

I would perhaps be interested in the seasonal dishes and a desk if you still have them. When can I come by?