Thursday, January 27, 2011

Yes... I am a writer

Hello. My name is Debbie and I am a writer.

There. I said it. Out loud. It's really weird telling people you know that you're a writer. It brings a various set of reactions from excitement that I'm living my dreams all the way to anger that I'm not helping to provide for my family by getting a "real" job.

But honestly, a "real" job isn't in the cards for me right now. PTSD has made sure of that and, YES, I am still battling with PTSD. It's been over two years and I still wake in silent screams from nightmares of being shot, stabbed, murdered and a whole plethora of other unpleasant things. But that's a different story for a whole different post.

Ok, so writing. I am NOT published at this time, but I have started four different WIPs (meaning "works in progress") for full-length novels and two different short stories. Mostly I've been focusing on learning the craft and improving my writing. I've also been building an "official" online writing presence--a must for aspiring authors. Not only do publishers like to see it, but I've discovered that being a part of the writing community has taught me OODLES more than I ever could have learned on my own. The writers out there are AMAZING and I am blessed to know them. The journey has been incredible so far and I look forward to a lifetime of learning.

Some happy news that I wanted to share is that I placed in a mini writing contest. There were 83 entries and I made it into the top ten honorable mentions! I am ecstatic! I didn't win anything (besides a great critique), in case you are wondering. But it helped me see that I do have talent. So, if you're interested, pop over to ATONEMENTS on my writing blog to read my entry. It's the first 500 words from one of my novels. I hope you enjoy!

Thanks for letting me share. :)  Feels good "admitting" to my new addiction and life long dream!


Betsy said...

Weird question have you ever tried to shape your dreams? email me I will explain what I have done before.

Brenda Smith said...

You are a FABULOUS writer! You're extremely talented! Way to go on the contest placing! I'm sure there will be many more to come.

Gen said...

I can't thank you enough for all your wonderful words put to paper(or should I say computer screen). They have kept me company many late nights while nursing my little one. You are incredible and it doesn't suprise me at all that you placed in a contest. Keep writing- I look forward to every word!

Gen said...

I can't thank you enough for all your wonderful words put to paper(or should I say computer screen). They have kept me company many late nights while nursing my little one. You are incredible and it doesn't suprise me at all that you placed in a contest. Keep writing- I look forward to every word!

Debbie Burns said...

Thank you for your support, my friends.

Gen... you're making me cry! Thank you so much.

Dustin and Kellie said...

Way to go Deb! I think that is so great! You have always been a very talented writer and I know if anyone can do it you can! You are amazing!

Also, have I given you my email so you can see my blog? It's been private forever.. It's

Renee Hill said...


Can I just say how proud I am of you and "You go girl!!" I have read a couple of your blogs and you are definitely a WRITER!!

Love and miss you,

Darcysmad said...

I always knew your were a writer and I'm glad that you're finally figuring it out for yourself. Isn't it exciting when you FINALLY figure out what you really want to do with your life?

ESN said...

You are awesome. I like the way you came out about it. Someday if I ever admit my addiction I know I too will have to say those words...(I'm cringing at the thought.)