Thursday, January 27, 2011

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Seems winter doesn't arrive around here until almost February. We had flurries for Christmas but all that snow I've been trying to hold off via prayers and voodoo (just kidding about the latter) has finally arrived. About 8 inches fell last night. I know, not a lot, but it was enough to close Maryland for the day. The upside is that Joe gets to stay home today! Woot! We may even take the dogs for a walk later. Maybe. We'll see if that really happens. I'm thinking it's time for me to get some winter boots. Flip flops and sneakers just aren't cutting it in this weather!

This is the path out of our front door. Well... now it's a tree outside our front door.

It really is beautiful!

This tree is normally hidden behind the side of the townhouse.

I'm amazed at how much bending it can do without breaking.


Brenda Smith said...

I'm tired of the snow here. Yours looks so beautiful! Ours is just cold and yucky.

Gen said...

Looks like you have more snow there than we do here. Hard to believe, but just imagine the snow angels you could make!!!