Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chalkboard Wall of Awesome

So I've been earning a little bit of money via sewing and decided to put the cash to good use in creating my chalkboard wall of awesome. I needed something to help me with story boarding and this seemed just the ticket. Oh... and it's MAGNETIC! Yeppers. It's a whole wall of chalkboard, magnetic goodiness! So today, while it snows and blows outside, I'll be in my office enjoying my wall of awesome!

Story boarding.

You can see the magnets at work on the right.

One of my favorite parts... adding inspiration. Using a picture for inspiration, I free handed this on the wall. LOVE drawing with chalk!

* For pics taking you through the entire process, check out this post on my official writing blog (yes, I have another blog).


Daisy said...

Oh, I'm so jealous. I have been telling Armando for years that I want something like this - somewhere the girls can write on the wall without getting in trouble and where I can keep visual lists to keep me in line. I love it! Way to be creative and visual Deb!

Debbie Burns said...

Thanks, Daisy! It was SO simple and a ton of fun. I used the Rustoleum tintable chalkboard paint from Home Depot. FABULOUS! It took two jars (I think they are quarts) to do my 8X10 wall. That's about $26 and worth every penny!