Sunday, June 8, 2008

California: Random

The rest of the trip was just a series of trips to Disney Land, which really is the happiest place on earth! We spent lots of time together and a part. Joe and I took a few moments here and there to be alone. But mostly, we were one HUGE family. Even Jiff and Harry (Joe's eldest sister and husband) brought the kids down from Washinton. It was great having everyone together and spending much needed time with our nieces and nephews. My next few posts are just going to be a million pictures of everyone. I'll try and let you know who is who as we go...

Tram pictures are always fun! I love snapping a few shots as we race through the backlot, which is also a wind tunnel.

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I also love getting close ups of people holding hands. I think it is so special. This is one of Grandpa Burns (a.k.a. Dad) holding little Sarah's hand. I love all that it represents about love and generations... you know... the gushy girl stuff. Anyway...

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