Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day at the Lake

This was our first Memorial Day away from family and friends. If still in Utah we would have found ourselves at Pineview with family or at the Lawson's for a BBQ or both. It's just a little weird figuring out what do to with ourselves when faced with creating new traditions. But I think we've found one that will last for Memorial Day!

Our friends the Calder's invited us up to Cunningham Falls State Park to spend the day with them and the Cechinis. They were awesome enough provide most of the food, all of the shade, and one of the best days ever. We BBQ'd, they swam, and we all went on a little hike at the end of the day (though I don't know I'll trust Chantel again when she tells me a hike is all flat, hehe, as the trail had some decent hills we had to climb). All in all, the day was awesome!

I discovered that I need to re-learn being in the outdoors all over again. Joe and I were spoiled in Utah. Anytime we camped or spent the day at the lake we either had someone else providing anything we needed (thanks Mom and Dad Burns!) or we had people we could borrow items from if we weren't traveling with the Burns Hilton (thank you other family and friends who took such good care of us!). Here, we don't necessarily have that luxury. For example, we arrived up at the lake without swim wear (duh), chairs, any shade-making umbrella, or even a blanket. Not to mention the little things like bug spray or toys (aka volleyball). I mean, really, what were we thinking? We weren't, lol. Thankfully our friends were so great as to share all of the above with us. I don't know what we'd do without them! Next year we'll be better prepared (I hope). And we've definitely started an inventory of all the items we'll need for future outdoor activities!

The scenery at Cunningham Falls Lake was SPECTACULAR! The temperature was a sweltering 90 degrees plus humidity so high we were breathing water, but the views and the company made it more than worth it! I loved hanging out on the grass near the beach and staring across the lake into the dense forest sheltering us. I felt so peaceful and protected. I think I've fallen in love (sorry Joe, hehe). Anyway, here are some snapshots of our time at the lake. These were all taken by my friend Chantel as our camera is on its way to extinction.

Owen is sitting in front and his dad, Austin, is in the back. I like this picture not only because these guys are in it, but because of the gorgeous treeline Chantel captured in the background.

Owen (in blue) playing Frisbee with Matt Cechini (black shirt) and his little brother, Soren (in red). This was one of the views from our blanket.

Everyone hiking to the falls. L to R: Austin, Soren, Matt, Annie, Owen, Debbie and Joe. Chantel is taking the pic.

Just an awesome pic of the forest. According to the signs along the trail, this forest is less than 100 years old. It was cut down for farming in the early 1900s until they realized that the hills were washing away without the trees. It was replanted and in 1930-something established as a forest preserve. Cool, huh?

I truly can't wait to return here. I may not be patient enough to wait until next Memorial Day! Thanks again, to the Calders and Cechinis, for such a wonderfully peaceful and fun holiday. You guys rock! And to all our family and friends in Utah, hope your holiday was as wonderful as ours. Love you!

1 comment:

KatieLarson said...

Is this Lake far from your home? Maybe when we come and visit you can take us there? It looked both fun and beautiful!