Wednesday, June 9, 2010

9 Years!!!

Monday Joe and I celebrated our 9-year Anniversary! I still can't believe it. Where has all the time gone? I guess the old adage is true, "time flies when you're having fun." Recently the thought has been bouncing around in my head that Joe rescued me 9 years ago. He didn't know. I didn't know. But it is the truth.

He rescued me from sadness as he is my eternal sunshine. He even sings when I'm really sad!!! (Think Barry Manilow... "I feel sad when you're sad. I feel glad when you're glad!")

He rescued me from boredom. I never know what is going to happen when Joe is around. He may seem completely predictable... and sometimes he is... but I am never bored. I LOVE my time with Joe, especially when he throws out cute little sayings like, "I'm just chillin' with my favorite chick." or "You're hair is beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

He rescued me from myself. I'm always SUPER hard on myself and have extremely high expectations. Mercy doesn't apply to me (in my world) and neither does weakness. I must be strong at all times. Or at least that is what I tell myself. Joe keeps me real and grounded. He celebrates my "weaknesses" (not in the rubbing them in kinda of way, but in the I-love-you-for-a, b and c kinda way). He reminds me that I'm awesome and helps distract me when I get too philosophical.

He rescued me from a life without him. I know that seems silly. I never would have known what I was missing if we'd never met. But now that I know, I can't help but feel grateful that we found each other and that he picked me. Marriage has been hard at times. Some days I've wondered what we were thinking. But it only takes being near him to know exactly what we were thinking. Our lives have become more together than they ever were apart. I have been strengthened, edified, challenged (which I love, hehe), and transformed into a slightly better person because of our relationship. I am blessed to know my Joseph and to be loved by him. I am so grateful for a Heavenly Father who doesn't always give us what we want (aka... all the guys before Joe), but instead gives us what we need (aka Joe). In giving me what I needed, the Lord gave me what I wanted all along.

Thank you, my sweetheart, for filling my life with richness and adventure. I look forward to the many (MANY!) years I have to grow with you as we tackle this life together. You are the bestest in the whole world!!! I love you more than a million kit kat bars!

Below are some pics of us at the Natural History Museum in D.C. (taken on the iphone... I DISLIKE IMMENSELY camera batteries). We decided to save our shekels this year and do something new that was both fun and free.

Riding along in the automobile, my baby beside me at the wheel.

We're on our way, uh-hu uh-hu uh-hu uh-hu.

In front of the museum.
(Someday we'll hire a photographer to follow us around so we can get pics of the two of us together, lol).

The rotunda area as you first walk in. I like elephants.

LOVING the turtle! It was so cool!

This is supposed to be a T-Rex. I'm realizing the need for a flash.

A "good times" movie.

Joe and his dinosaurs. He LOVED visiting this museum!

View from above. These creatures must have been enormous. Since having Josser, I've learned the power of a tail. His is brutal. I can't imagine the pain (and death) associate with one of these pre-historic whips!

Bad picture but good looking man, hehe.

This was the biggest surprise... it's a ground sloth! I know it's sad that I get my info from kid movies, but I expected the sloth to be MUCH smaller. Like Josser on hind legs...

But they were actually bigger than a bear! Check out the claws on the one standing on its legs!

My fav... the mammoth. Don't know why I like it, I just do.

I couldn't resist! Joe was such a good sport!

This is the Hope Diamond. I was planning on playing all sorts of tricks on you but I couldn't get a decent picture with all the light. In reality, it's not as big as I had imagined. Not that I'd turn it down if some one wanted to give it to me. But I wouldn't be for stealing it either... but, then again, maybe that has more to do with my integrity than my lack of being impressed. **shrugs**

We left in the early afternoon to avoid rush hour and had a wonderful ride home, finished with a dinner at the cheesecake factory. I loved our relaxing day together. I doesn't really matter where we go as long as I get to be with Joe.


ESN said...

Happy Annibirthednay!

KatieLarson said...

Seriously?! 9 years! Holy cow! Happy Anniversary Debbie and Joe!

Betsy said...

yeah we saw the hope diamond and I was like huh?? all that hype, huh? I love the history behind it though!!

Dustin and Kellie said...

Congrats you guys! That is so great! I love how you put it Deb. I feel the same way about Dustin. I know that I never would have known what I was missing out on if we hadn't met but now that I know, I can't see how I would have survived without him. My life would be so dull and monotonous! I am so happy for you guys! I love the idea of having a photographer follow you around. After we hit our first million we'll have to get us one too! And some of those pics are PRICLESS! Fabulous!