Friday, June 11, 2010

First Trip to the D.C. Temple

Last Wednesday (6/9/10) I had the opportunity visit the D.C. temple with our ward youth to do baptisms. The night was super special because it was not only my first trip to the temple, but because we also had a record amount of youth attend. 30+ between the YM and YW!!! I almost didn't go because I had been sick all day, but I am so glad I did. It was super special to watch "my girls" be baptized for the dead, some for the first time. I loved the reverence and respect they showed while in the house of the Lord.

Spires from the freeway.

Up close and personal.

I was told this is one of two temples that has an angel Moroni who is holding the golden plates. All the others have an angel Moroni who has both hands on the trumpet.

In D.C. we provide ALL the necessary priesthood holders. It was neat to see fathers baptise daughter or son, mothers assist their girls in and out of the font, fathers confirm their children, and all of us completing the work for a family in the ward. One cool moment was when father baptized son for and in behalf of a relative. The spirit was strong. I hope the girls recognized and felt it.

We ended up being at the temple from 730p to almost 10pm because we had so many youth participating. Afterward, I grabbed a couple of pictures to commemorate the evening. The girls whined for a second (someday they'll understand the importance of so many pictures), but easily obliged me when I told them it was my first time there.

Most of our YW. Aren't they super adorable!

A set of sisters (whom I LOVE). The younger is in MiaMaids with me!

Another set of my girls. Three of the four are in MiaMaids and the other is an honorary class mate. It doesn't really matter, though, who is in my class and who isn't. They all can claim a piece of my heart.

I really do love my calling in the Young Women program. The girls are amazing, wonderful, fabulous, beautiful and every other good word found in the dictionary. I am learning much from them and am grateful for their example and support. I'm glad I didn't miss that night and I look forward to many more temple trips, both with them and on my own!

1 comment:

ESN said...

I was talking to someone recently and they told me how grateful they were that you came and were called in the YW. She told me that they desperately needed someone that could help tame the girls and still love them while doing it. She said, "Debbie's the only one that could have done it."
I think she is right!