Sunday, May 10, 2009

Medium-Well to Well Done

Just a heads up... working/being outside for more than 6 hours straight can lead to sunburn even if the weather is cool. I guess I didn't realize that! I spent the good part of yesterday working in the yard. I know, don't have a heart attack. Me? Manual labor? Yeppers. And the bigger shocker is that I was up before noon on a Saturday. lol. I decided the knee high weeds and overgrown grass was more pressing than my need to oversleep. And I am SO glad I pushed myself out of bed and into the yard. Though I know have a red face and a wicked awesome farmer's tan, I love looking outside and seeing a well manicured yard. It's just the first step of many to get the yard where it needs to be. I hacked down the weeds, trimmed the lawn, and then swept up the aftermath into the garbage. Monday I plan on "watering" the weeds with poison. I've decided to start in small area to get the swing of things (I've never really done this before and it scares me). Once I have a system down, I'll expand to the rest of my garden of weeden. I don't think I'll actually get any real flowers planted this year, but I am hoping to get the beds prepped and a drip line run so I'll be ready for next spring. Until then, I'm gonna focus on my burn. I feel like an overcooked steak!


KatieLarson said...

Where's a pic of this wicked awesome farmer's tan? Sorry we missed you at the park...I hope that Joe is feeling better. We should do it again it was fun. Loves....

Darcysmad said...

Awesome! That sounds like some good therapy right there.

Naomi said...

Aloe Vera all the way, babe! When I have a bad sunburn I pretty much drench myself in it. Hope it gets better soon! Ooooh, I'm so jealous you have a yard to work in too. Can't wait until the day we finally have one. You really should post pics of all your hard work. :)

Amy said...

Like you said Deb there is nothing better than a well maincured yard! I'm excited for you!

Luke said that "there is nothing worse than a over-cooked steak" we feel for ya girl!

Erin said...

I don't like my meat mooing! I like it extra crispy. LOL:) Love you Deb and thanks again for all your help!

Dustin and Kellie said...

Erin is so funny! I love a nice yard!! And I tend to fry too! EVERY YEAR I have to re-learn how bad a sun burn is. I am kinda dumb that way. I think I'd rather red over white.. and I always immediately regret it.. but do I end up doing it again the next year!