Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sick of Being Sick

Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope! I am so freaking tired of getting sick and having it last for eternity. I feel like some type of yuck has hit me at least every other week and then it lingers until the next piece-o-crap virus/bacteria can sink its claws in. Maybe I just don't know how to turn on the "No Vacancy" sign. Or maybe someone taped a "Kick Me" sign to my back that I'm not aware of. Either way, I'm sick of being sick, especially when there is so much to be done. Yard work, house work, family events, friend events, LIVING. I sound like Darth Vader just about now because my sinuses are so stuffed I can only breathe through my mouth. I wonder if his head felt like it was ready to explode at any moment? Maybe we just got it wrong with him. Maybe he wasn't so big, bad and scary. Maybe he just had the most annoying sinus infection ever!

Anyway, I can't help Darth Vader, but I can only hope someone out there can help me. Does anyone know some good home or herbal remedies that can boost my immune system? I'll even take the dreaded "d" word (diet) into consideration. I just can't keep functioning on little to no sleep, a lack of oxygen, dripping nose, rattling chest or the hot-to-cold flashes (I can't really be experiencing menopause, right? I mean I'm only 29 after all).

I would appreciate any and all suggestions (except fish. I just can't do fish. I'm sorry, I know that they are supposed to be good for me but, honestly, I've seen what happens to food when left in water for an extended period of time. And you want me to eat something that has been soaking in water its whole life? There is a reason fish smells so bad.) Other than fish, suggest away. Thank you for your help!

Now, if I could just get these invisible buns off my ears so I could hear again. Really, how did Leia wear those things all the time?


KatieLarson said...

Well if you just had a hacking cough that wouldn't go away I could recommend a very good bourbon that will make the cough go away.... :) Other than that, sorry, I got nothing. But just remember the bourbon would be medicinal ;)

Darcysmad said...

There is a peppermint herbal tea that will help you breathe a little better during the day. Use some splenda to sweeten it up otherewise it's nasty. I HATE that nyquil doesn't work like it used to and I have tried evertying to find something to help cold problems. One thing I actually found on my last cold that did help a little was the Zicam cold and's liquid like the nyquil and it actually seemed to help me. Hope this works.

Cathy Smith said...

Have you tried Aloe Vera Juice...nasty stuff but it works!

Love Mom

Erin said...

lol oh Deb. I am sorry your sick. That was a great read if that helps any:) I guess I won't make you take any Cod Liver Oil then if your so set against fish. It sucks anyway cause you burp it up like allll day. It dosen't help that it is allergy season too. Jason and Bry are both suffering. My mom always makes me drink tea's and Echinasha pills. Not sure of anything else. Sorry I am no help. Drink LOTS of fluids and sleep all you can:) Love you!

Michael and Brenda Smith said...

I'm not sure what may help, but I know that getting extra sleep always helps heal the body. Sorry to hear that you're feeling under the weather. Also, what happened to your other blogs?

Susan said...

Debbie: The root of all that repetitive sickness may be some food or environmental allergy. Sinuses seem to be one of the chief manifesters of allergy. However allergies are so tricky to pinpoint and can have single or multiple causes and sometimes the responses after exposure are delayed.

Some allergies, like MSG (monosodium glutamate and its several cousins)manifest pretty quickly, as in migraine headaches for some (like me). And when you look at labels, MSG etc. is in a ton of stuff.

It might be worth looking into some books/websites on allergens and nutrition. Two books that we have found useful are "Eat to Live" by Dr. Joel Fuhrman (he has a website) and "The Food Doctor" (Healing foods for mind and body) by Ian Marber & Vicki Edgson.

We hope this will help you.