Monday, March 21, 2011

Visiting Utah: Burns Family Fun (Mar 19-21)

Little Sophie. The shirt says it all!

Charlie. Studly shy or shy stud?

Deb and Sarah (aka Rarah... I love nicknames that comes from being kids being unable to say a name! Like Rarah and Yay-Ya. Rarah will be one of my favs forever. I have even accidentally called my friend Sara by that name!)

Yo, yo! Wa' sup!

Playing with the camera.

Miss Ashley, our resident dancer. :)
Plus Joe's cute butt! At least... I think it's Joe.

Captain Grumpy Pants. Aka Papa, Pops, Dad, & Jim


Joe's usual picture face.

Picture Time!
The following pics all took place at Fuddruckers after a very successful, very awesome family photo shoot. LOVED the photographer! (So much, in fact, that I forgot his name, lol. I'll find it and post it here. He really was amazing and I love how all the pics turned out. Thank you, Jimmy & Marla, for making that happen!)

Ian. Our soon-to-be missionary.

Natalie, Jake & Cooper.

Three of the teens (Ian & Taylor picture here) decided to take the Fuddrucker challenge. Crazy, I tell you, crazy.

Ryan before he digs in to the way-too-much food.

Ian chowing down on the big burger. Way too much cow for me!

I added this one because I knew Natalie would LOVE me for it!

Our trio of challenge burgers.

Marla cheering for Ryan.

Lyndze and Ryan.

Taylor got so sick from all that food she ended up here. Poor thing!

No one was able to complete the entire meal, but they all gave it a valiant effort!

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