Monday, February 14, 2011

Feeling the Love!

I am so grateful for the wonderful family and friends we have in our lives. Thank you... and I love you dearly!

Heart-attacked by my friends Altheda, Claralyn, Erin and Sara.
Thank you ladies! 

They came last night and decorated my front door.

I love you too! SOOOO much!

Then I got these awesome Valentines in the mail from the Burns kiddos.
They ALWAYS take time to send us holiday wishes. Thanks for making us feel so special!

From Ashley.

From Sarah.

From Charlie.

From baby Sophie. I love the hand. SO cute!

As if that wasn't enough love, my friend Chantel stopped by to spread more love (and goodies!) Mmmm... the cookies were delicious! (No pics... I ate them too quickly).

She made this beautiful decoration for me! It has a perma spot on my desk!

And she MADE this GORGEOUS necklace for me. She is SO talented.
Thanks Chantel! I LOVE this!!!! It adorns my neck at this very moment!

YUMMY cookies from my friend Meagan. Seriously. I ate half of the plate before remembering to take a picture!

Don't worry... I left a FEW for Joe!

Spending some Valen-time with my sis, Erin via World of Warcraft. We had a romantic picnic together in Orgrimmar. hehe

For one "Love is in the Air" quest we had to get slammed (Xy got so drunk she puked 3 times!), spray ourselves with perfume, throw rose petals over the cockroach vendor, Jeremiah Payson, and then give him a big kiss. It was awesome. Or maybe you have to be a gamer to understand? The best part... turns out I can hold my liquor. Wonder if that transfers into real life, lol? Guess I'll never know.

My chick, Chippiie, is on the left and Erin's gal, Xylanriah, is waving on the right.
(I thought I got some better shots of the two of us but apparently I was hitting the "insert key" instead of "print screen." That's like keeping the lens cap on while taking pictures.)


ESN said...

You are loved because you are so awesome. And that's all there is to it!
(I love you! Happy V-day.)

Gen said...

Sending our love across the miles!!! It sounds like this valentine's day has been amazing for you!!!!!!Love and miss ya!

Darcysmad said...

What a fun thing! Look how much you are loved Debbs!

Erin said...

lol that was so fun! I keep thinking I should re- up my account again:)

Debbie Burns said...

Wait until winter! I just turned mine off for the next few months. Too much to do during the summer. :)