Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I can't believe it happened again!

Okay. So some of you may know that on Oct. 16th the credit union at which I work was robbed. I was the o-so-lucky teller that had the gun pulled on me and was "asked" to put all the money in his dirty little grocery bag (see full account on Brain Vomit). Well, luck must be with me because it happened again. Yesterday, Dec. 8th, at 2:45 pm. Same guy, same gun, same dirty little bag. I haven't processed enough to even get my words out in some compelling personal essay. Right now I am angry, upset, emotional, and in denial. I mean I am dreaming, right? Not twice in less than two months? Can someone wake me up from this nightmare? Anyway... maybe soon I'll be able to dissect my feelings but, for now, I am just existing. I guess, for anyone that prays, please pray for me. I need some extra help trying to remember that God doesn't hate me.

P.S. And if you are having an itch to tell me something about "learning a lesson" or "others have it worse" please don't. I couldn't handle it right now. Maybe later.


Amy said...

Oh honey!!! Luke and I will keep you in our prayers! You poor thing! I am so sorry.... what a dirty grotty yucky person! Words cannot describe! I love you girl!

Daisy said...

My goodness, Deb, I must have missed the first story. I am SOOOO SORRY! You will be in my prayers! Did they catch the person?

KatieLarson said...

I love you...stay strong. Let me know if you need anything.

Marla B said...

Sorry, spiritual warning....but I can only hope the Holy Ghost becomes a comforter in your life right now more than ever. I pray for peace in your life as you sort these thoughts and emotions out. It hurts me greatly to know someone I love and care about is hurt again! I love you and hope you overcome this struggle. I hope this isn't too tacky to share these thought with you here.....on your blog instead of calling! I love you girl!

Alina said...

Good grief! I am so sorry! Wow...what an unfortunate incident.
It's so surreal! But if it happens a third time, then perhaps that's the charm when they're caught?

Nic said...

We are there for you and love you!

Nicole and Ryan

Anonymous said...

I think I would have wet my pants a little!