Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Letter to My Josser

Happy birthday, dear Josser. You turn 1 tomorrow. I am writing this letter tonight because I know I won't have a chance tomorrow. I also realize you are a dog, but at this point, you are also my only child. And while you can't take the place of real children, you do help fill that void in my heart. You have been quite the puppy for us! I always swore I would never have a pet, let alone a big inside dog. I always thought those people were crazy. But then you walked into my credit union and I couldn't resist your grey eyes and the way you cocked your head to the side when you looked at me. You were adorable! I loved your lazy sit and the too-big paws. I should have known you would grow into them!!! 68lbs now and you are still quite the dog. We have had our ups and downs with you. Today I could have sold you to gypsies with all your barking and crazy running around. But really I couldn't... because I love you. And I love those little moments in the morning when you cuddle with me in bed, or at night how you curl up with me to watch a final movie, sending us both off to sleep. I love that you know when I'm sick or when I feel bad. You just stay by my side--unmoving--lending me heat, or comfort, or whatever else I need. I love the way you wait for "daddy" to come home from work and how excited you get when he does. I love how you run after ice cubes and hide under the bed. You are so precious and loving, even if you are as big as a horse (well not quite yet). I am sorry more people don't love you like we do. That they judge you because they are biased against your breed. We are so grateful for the friends and family who have accepted you. For the mommies who aren't afraid to let you lick their toddlers. It means a lot to your Dad and I... and, if you understood, I think it would mean a lot to you too. Thanks, sweet puppy, for having the courage to be you... and for loving us just the way we are. We hope to be better doggy-parents. We'll try. We love and wish you the very best on this very special day. Happy birthday, my Josser. We love you.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Learning New Stuff

Holy crap! I didn't realize that lurking just beyond the boundaries of my normal Internet/computer life was a whole world of digital scrapbooking. CRAZY! It's just as popular as regular scrapbooking except it all takes place on the computer. You can shop at stores, buy paper, find accessories, and build a million different pages with all the supplies. I have spent the last few days downloading all the freebies I could find. This started with a desire to learn how to design my own unique blog background. I found a great tutorial at under "Blog Secrets." I have had a blast learning new things and designing my own page. I also took it a little further and designed my own header. I am so excited about how the project turned out! And I am interested in learning more about the secret world (or not so secret world) of digital scrapbooking. I don't know if it will ever replace my stamps & paper, but it will definitely give me some more avenues to explore. hehe!